
Showing posts from 2012

A slice of butter

A slice of butter In the deep blue sky She hung so shy So inviting and so mellow Such was her radiance That I was struck.. A slice of butter In the deep blue sky She hung so high Winds wafted by She looked cool And unmoved A slice of butter In the deep blue sky She hung so bold Never ever old Staring unabashedly At the lone star A slice of butter In the deep blue sky She hung as a present A perfect crescent!!!! ON sighting the new moon today- 16/12/12

Adventure with Stuart Little...

It stared at me with a glitter in its eye. Daring me to attack! I screeched, I raved Picking up the broom I brandished it Like the magic wand.. I jumped up and down Whilst it scampered squeaking Who jumped more is the question For it outdid me in the race.. And only it has the capacity To turn me into a banshee A helpless one I must say!!!!

The magic of rains..

She said she would drench in the rain I saw drops glistening on her... Excited I ran headlong Into the rain.. Cold drops stung me They slithered over me I trembled, I shivered I soaked in the drops Till rivulets flowed.. I splashed my feet in the waters My hands clapped in abandon The drops engulfed me Becoming warm on my skin Ah if this is not joy What is....

Am I from Space?

The other day a lady ( some years younger to me ) refused to answer my calls or messages. I was actually wondering why she was not answering me though I had mentioned that it was urgent. I soon got to know that she could not talk to me if her spouse was at home. It also reminded me ironically that she had pointed out sometime back that her spouse did not like her talking to me!! I laughed aloud. Even in today's age a man can control his woman and control whom she should speak to or not!! The woman also acquiesces!! Now this man's reaction was familiar. I have had such comments coming from quite a few women friends in the past. Though then the scapegoats were their parents. My friend's parents felt that if their girls cut their hair or wore a modern outfit  it was because of my influence!!What is it about me that  they fear?? That their women would become bolder, smarter??That they would become independent/ voracious readers/ eloquent speakers/poe...


Why do we believe in mumbo jumbo? A cat crossed my path / don't call me when I am leaving home/ god forbid if you sneeze when I am off on a job/ the cot must be plced in the east west direction/ don't sleep with your head towards south/// aaah how many beliefs!! The list is endless. As we growe acquire all this mumbo jumbo from our parents, friends and school. Through generations these beliefs are passed on. Sometimes it is so amusing if we pause to thing on the rationale. Amidst all this crazed living, the various religious faiths throw in many such in good measure. When we are the so called most intelligent creatures why do we defy logic? Oops did I say something wrong?? The lizard is making the familiar tic tic sound so what I say is true!! lol!!

Where is the India where Freedom of speech is my birthright??

Are our politicians waking up to the Internet only of late? It is strange, amusing and scary.. Twitter posts and Facebook statuses are landing people in jail!! Is this really my country where freedom of speech is my birthright? Earlier books and movies were targeted by politicians. So it is of no surprise that they have turned to the Internet as its reach is global. But are they so insecure? Why are they taking it so personal ? Somebody commented that maybe they are not educated.. Ah that is not the case as educated politicians are responding in the same manner. Or are they so scared of truth? Very soon the jails would overflow. I am wondering if I should study for law and become a lawyer as there would be plenty of cases to work on!!

Separation anxiety???

Recently I heard a couple proudly claiming that their 14 year old son shares the same room and horrors of horror, even the same bed!!! The smug grin on their faces could put a Cheshire cat to shame!! Anything that is not in moderation even love KILLS!! such a relationship in psychology is called enmeshed relationship Parents ought to realize that there are 2 phases in a child's life when he/she needs autonomy and space to blossom  - at the age of 2 years and then when the individual attains puberty. Only then the individual is able to form his/her OWN identity. To quote Khalil Gibran, Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself. They come through you but not from you, And though they are with you yet they belong not to you. You may give them your love but not your thoughts, For they have their own thoughts. You may house their bodies but not their souls, For their souls dwel...

Art is the signature of a civilisation

Art is the signature of civilisation - I read this quote in the Office today. Instantly pictures of heritage buildings being vandalised come to my mind.  We are so obsessed with writing our names on walls . Yet we do nothing to make our names go down in the annals of history. We admire our superficial self- our body / complexion.. Yet we do nothing to have a beautiful inner self!


RIP CHEF JACOB- I had always been intrigued by Chef Jacob's creativity and his indomitable spirit. I cannot believe he is no more. Just 37 and he succumbed to cardiac arrest..Yet again life teaches us lessons.. Savour life. SLOW down. I have this habit of eating very fast. Now I am consciously slowing down. What about you? Do read more on him at

On Dowry...

Today I had an interesting session with the First Year engineering students. Among several ramblings, I chanced upon the topic of dowry. To my greatest surprise there were boys who supported dowry stating that it would ensure a comfortable start to their new life!! When the girls were asked to debate against the system they could not come up with effective arguments! I wondered and gaped! How is it that in spite of the media blasting out the evils of the system these 60 odd students could hardly make strong and effective points!!! When I began o present  the real facts, they quietened down and an air of solemnity descended. I am positive that they will never support dowry.. I also pray that they will be able to stop their parents too. It made me realize that often we take things for granted that students would be aware... they know... But do we ever bother to find out?

Values..? what are they?

Today I had an interesting conversation with a final year engineering student. He was requesting a lecturer to spill out a few important questions in the forthcoming exams.He said it was normal in the University. It was also normal to get attendance even if he did not attend classes. Any rule could be twisted and turned if you were in favour of the Professors. In return the students would give positive evaluation and feedback about the professors.. As I listened in shock about this symbiotic relationship, I was sadder for the boy did not feel any remorse. Nor did he feel he was doing nothing wrong. It was the way of his world..It was 'normal'. I briefly thought of Abdul Kalam's speech on India becoming a super power in 2020.  My India will never become a superpower unless the educators in the nation reform. Children and youth are not to be blamed. we adults, parents and teachers, are the criminals. The future looks dismal.

Prayers and Strikes

It is very confounding to me when I read about the recent attacks on the US Consulate. I immediately think of 2 of my students who are waiting to apply for Visas to take part in a competition in the USA. They have been sweating it out for more than half a year  on this project and I sincerely hope these attacks do not interfere in their journey. I am amazed at the turn out- college and even school students are taking part in the attacks. How are the elders allowing this? Does anyone in the crowd KNOW WHAT THEY ARE FIGHTING FOR?  Has anyone seen the movie? I haven't so I have no clue what this all about? Something more chilling is the fact that in between the attacks a 15 minute prayer was performed on the spot and the attacks continued immediately after. I thought prayers made one calmer. Yet another fiasco is the agitation taken up by the political parties in my state to protest the visit of Rajapaksa to Madhya Pradesh!  Why is the state not respecting the NON...

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 52

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit." Aristotle

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 51

Make your day such that it ends with a smile...

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 50

Love yourself first and foremost!

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 49-

Do something unusual this week!!

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 48

It is perfectly ok to feel bogged down!!

Should India go the Europe way?

People of the Northeast are fleeing Bangalore after the recent Mumbai violence. Politicians of TN are too busy trying to solve Sri Lankan tamil issues than issues of the state. Telengana issue has died down for now. All free speaking Bengalis are termed Maoists!! Malayalees in an institution are preparing for Onam keeping hteir door closed on non malayalees.  Linguistic divisions are very serious- more than religion actually!!  Sardar Patel had visualized this and advised Nehru against India being divided on linguistic lines!! Of course he did not pay heed. Today his family rules India and has ensured that they rule for years to come. Now that Pranab Mukherjee has become President, the way is clear for Rahul baba!! Parochialism is a festering disease. In every street, every educational institution, every village people are divided on the basis of language, caste and religion. In spite of such advancement in technology and after so many years of I...

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 47

Always rehearse your presentation before going on stage!

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 46

There are 3 little magic words and they are : THANK YOU, PLEASE AND SORRY!. Use them to lead lives of ease and  lesser worry!

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 45

Only when we look after parents we realize HOW MUCH they have spent ( time, energy apart from money of course) in taking care of us.

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 44

Thank God I am busy!!!

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 43

Let us not be like the leaf on a wave ( borrowed learning)

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 42

A chair is indeed important but it should be used for sitting and not to lord over others!!!!

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 41

Clothes matter...Wearing the right clothes to the right place at the right time matters most!!1

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 41

Being short has its advantages.After all Alexander, Ashoka and Akbar were short!!

University has talent..

A bunch of us have begun a series of activities after class hours. Today we had an informal music session- Music unplugged.. I was amazed at the talented youngsters. They compose their own tunes and lyrics!! Music indeed surpasses all barriers. Students from the east and north east of India were singing a famous Tamil song!! Good cheer and laughter rained through. I am all geared to unearth more gems in the University!

University campus

As I walked hurriedly down the green path at my workplace I stooped to pick up a chocolate wrapper. As I bent down I chanced upon crushed coffee cups and Pepsi bottles thrust beneath the shrubs. I was pained. The University has staff that maintains the gardens and lawns regularly and they do a pretty neat job. There are visible dustbins every nook and corner. Yet after the breaks there is litter. These are  students who belong to the elite class and to think that they would be the future engineers!!!  So why is this happening. It is appalling. We are given buildings, we litter them. We have the second longest beach yet we deface it. We have two rivers which run like sewage.  If we cannot maintain what is given to us then how do we create? How do we invent? How do....  Well the answer is we are not' doers' . we are a nation of talkers- we talk and talk and talk and forget that there is a dustbin, a beach, a garden, ...

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 40

What is said is not as important as how it is said!!

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 3 9

When a female says we need to talk, be prepared for a verbal war!!


I got acquainted to Kandaswamy on the very first day I joined my new job. Kandaswamy is a boy of  maybe 18 years who serves tea/coffee to all the staff. First day- K ( that's how I shall refer him as) serves tea at 10.30am and coffee at 2.30 pm. He does not bother to look at me. He serves the much needed hot beverage in a routine manner. Second day- K arrives. I make it a point to talk to him. He is shocked. I ask him his name and he is rather abrupt in his answers. Third day- Once again I begin getting to know him. He has done schooling up to 9th ! So i asked him why he did not continue with his education. He said he did not like school. Fourth day- K arrives and in spite of me offering a beaming smile he hardly returns one back.. But to my surprise he offers me an extra cup of coffee!! Fifth day- K tells me that he left school. because his teachers were bad! He didn't give much explanation but I gathered that he had not been treated kindly....

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 38

Using sarcasm to hurt others indicates low self esteem!!!

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 37

Systems, systems everywhere but no system to get them working!!!

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 36

Tribute to Stephen Covey-- read a page of a book everyday!!

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 35

Attachment  begets violence!

On standing desks...

My Standing desk! My son introduced me to the concept of the Standing Desk. I am easily excitable by nature so anything new is a wonder! I was enamored by the idea . I read some blogs, checked out images on Google and presto began to conjure one for myself. As I did not want to. spend money right away I thought I would make do with whatever I had at home.. The key points here are: 1. The monitor has to be at eye level and the key pad on a lower plane to enable easy typing. So I am going to buy a key pad to operate with ease. 2. Standing desks are available at Damro. 3. You would be thought crazy but that is where the fun lies. 4. Standing is healthier than sitting-- posture, spine, health.. what more do u want? 5. Initially like anything else you need to allow your body to get used especially the legs. 6. It is easy to move around. 7. You burn more calories. 8. For those who have a sedentary life style this ...

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 34

When elephants fight the grass beneath gets trampled- borrowed Management learning from a senior colleague !

We are RACISTS..

It was with great pain I read a news item on a young boy being rejected admission ins a college in Madurai because he has leucoderma ( depigmentation of skin). P.Ayappan was at first given admission and stayed for a night at the hostel. But his mother was asked to take him away. Reason? Other students'parents did not want their wards to mix with Ayappan. One (half0 dalit boy of 25 years eloped with a girl from the Backward Caste. Since then they have never been able to live in peace. He gets death threats everyday. He was even kidnapped by her father's goons and tortured. His head was tonsured and he was beaten black and blue!! Reason: casteism A young Rwandan student lies in coma having been ragged and beaten by the sons of a police officer and other VIPs in Punjab.His father is still seeking justice and the  Indian government is not being of much help. If this had happened to a white boy would it be the same treatment? When something happens to an Indian abroad why d...

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 33

There is nothing as heavenly as a simple meal- mine is rice with curd and ...!!!

Where lies humanitarianism?

It was appalling to read about the warden who forced a Std V girl to drink/lick her urine after she wet her bed! It is even more shocking that this took place in Shantiniketan- the very place sanctified by Rabindranath Tagore! They have trampled upon his vision. I have been so inspired by Gurudev's methods of teaching that this incident brought tears. Imagine the trauma that little child. I shudder! Even more shocking is that the teacher was jailed for just one day and she is out on bail! She should have been assigned to a psychotherapist! It is common knowledge today that bed wetting happens to due to either physiological or psychological reasons. No human would do it on his/her will. It is an involuntary action. If only the teacher had empathized ? If only the teacher had thought of the girl as her own ? How much does it take to be humane??

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 32

Anything in excess is bad even if it is love!!

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 31

Walls can be scraped and cleaned for a new coat but cracks would still show!

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 30

one kind act= smiles, joy and a reason to live !!!

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 29

A charming smile is the best cosmetic!!

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 28 (after a break!!)

One step makes the difference!!

An idle mind rocks the devil!!

An idle mind is the devil's workshop! We have been drilled with this idiom during our school years. As a solution we have been asked to fill our minds with thoughts and constantly urged to think , think and think!! Wow then we should have churned out a nation of thinkers! It just struck me this morning that most of our problems and issues are based on what 'others ' think - what will 'they' say/ think?? It is indeed hilarious but sadly true.  As a nation we are still plagued with the problems of acquiring basic necessities like potable water, enduring electricity and toilets! Politics, caste-ism, education blunders, admission into schools& colleges, burning prices of vegetables and fruits are enough to keep us occupied for ten lifetimes!! Yet we have time to 'think' of others?  Citizens of developed nations have such hassle free living and no mundane problems. So their minds have lot of 'free space'. Yet they do not face stuff like what wil...

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 27

Chastity is overrated...

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 26

The best in me comes out when I rebel !!! i

My rock star..

I did not realize that the spark I had lit would flame up!! This is what happened when my son decided to go ahead with a public performance after learning a mere 5 months of guitar! My stomach churned as we were getting ready for the show!! It was at Gigalum, a pub at Clapham, London. I floated in a cloud of joy ( no alcohol at all!) as I watched my boy going up the stage. And did he perform!!! I doubt if I would have looked at Santana then!! He played for 2 songs, Way back into love from Music and Lyrics; Fix you by Coldplay. It was proud moment. Way to go son!! Why don't you light a spark too?? Do have a look at the video.. It was captured on iPhone and the lighting is bad.. The boy/ young man on the guitar is my son!!

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 25

When in the face of utmost loss you think of my happiness, it is mind blowing love!!!

London observations...

It has been a few warm days here since I have arrived... Since I am not doing the usual touristy rounds I am enjoying being the observer. I am staying in Central London where all the rich Arabs live. Spending money like water- I see them do it!! Since the sun is out- it has been for the last few days in a row, unusually- all the Londoners are out lazing in the sun on any green patch available.. They are gulping in the sun!! Nice to see sandwiches and beer/lemonade, hats and sandals et al. The sun also increases the serotonin intake so all are happier and the couples are even happier! Romance is in the air. Ah, ouch, what do I see... Have you ever had an ugly sore? Sores stick out and they make you grimace! Well that is how I find Indian couples ( born and growing in India) trying to imitate the westerners.. They cant even get a kiss right!! I saw a paunchy man trying to get on top of his wife ( Regent's Park). He was trying to kiss her and she was moving her head away.. ...

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 24

External stress can be better  withstood than internal stress !!!

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 23

Fatigue is not when we are over worked but rather by the lack of meaningful work!!

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 22

The worst deception is self deception!!

Swayam Samvardhana Tip 21

Repression leads to suppression and in turn leads to violence of thought and action!!

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 20

Be aware that there are angels all around!!

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 19

Sleep is a wonder drug!!!

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 18

When one thing goes wrong ,many  will follow- that's Murphy's law!!!

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 17

I asked ,'were you proud when I won the....' You answered,' I am always proud of you..' This is love!!

Blazing Summer

I trudged thro the day Just as the listless Summer fly... Walls stared thro the latent heat Fans ploughed thro the Hot winds The sun blushed And how.... Engulfing the landscape with More warmth Stifled and suffocated I walked An eerie silence From the dry surroundings I walked Taking in the perspiration And humidity I walked... The ironing man Stood braving the hot charcoal I walked The security guards lay slumped In their starchy uniforms I walked.... My heart turned as warm as the Blazing sunset I walked Into the cool confines of my home.

Svayam Samvardhana Tip16

I do something stupid and you shrug it off with a tender look and say it is ok- that is love!!!

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 15

Thank god for summer for monsoon will soon follow!!!

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 14

Miracle is when we wake up!!!

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 13

Fear less to be Fearless!!

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 12

Friendship is a ship bobbing on the waters of mutuality!

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 11

"Be yourself" is the biggest con line!!!

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 10

One minus demolishes all pluses!!

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 9

Low Self- esteem is POISON!!

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 8

Money brings happiness, gold brings joy, diamonds bring ecstasy - for a girl!!!

Svayam Svardhana Tip 7

Self pity corrodes!!

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 6

Watch the moon rise!!!

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 5

Love is when my eyes search for you in the crowd....

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 4

   Love cannot be instant.It has to be brewed with good quality seeds of togetherness, roasted with trust,powdered with loyalty; hot water of trials have to wet it and bring out the decoction of aromatic romance.

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 3

It takes thirty years almost to be truly intimate in a relationship..

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 2

If you do not get the person whom you love, love the person who loves you.

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 1

Am beginning the Svayam Samvardhana series today.. Svayam Samvardhana means SELF DEVELOPMENT. Tip 1: Love the fool but don't fool with love!

Study time Part 2

Blissful time Crickets twitter Bats fly Stars twinkle Moonbeams drape. He slumbers Keypad ticks Eerie shadows! Grooming myself Preening so Ah its bliss....

Study time Part 2

Blissful time Crickets twitter Bats fly Stars twinkle Moonbeams drape. He slumbers Keypad ticks Eerie shadows! Grooming myself Preening so Ah its bliss....

Madras Summer

Mangoes are edging out the melons Fresh Juice screams the banner.. Sun beams speckle my wall Wryly she carries the load On her muscled shoulder.. He wipes his brow! Droplets down my spine Parched earth steams Not a wisp of cloud Red ants poke around A lone lizard hides Cobwebs stand still Droplets drench me...


Language is to communicate So many 'tongues' Yet no understanding He says, she cries.. She says, he turns cold! They say, we fear.. We say, they turn deaf.. So twisted is even The language of love Tell me O Khudha Tell me so I understand He and She We and They....

On Suicide ( IIT M boy hangs )

This morning i stopped reading The paper at page three No not because it was all glamour It told the story of A farmer's son studying at Chennai's prestigious IIT!! Fun loving and amicable was he But without a moment's thought For his parents, for his future He hung dead and limp. He tightened the noose Unable to face life. A life nurtured for nine months within the womb And for twenty odd years outside by Sweat and blood of parents.. Why oh why ???

Study time..

An apt time Open the book To stare ahead At the web Cobwebs so silky.. At the site Of the table top Dust mites hide Dolls stare past The curtain looms Water depreciates Pencil flies furious Clock ticks on Stories and dreams Weave into my head The phone never buzzes The mails troop in Food is so inviting Outside air is warm Ah.. study time indeed!!!

Good Friday

Jesus died for He loved us.. Love makes the world go round Uncomplicated love Adolescent fiery love Hot love, cold love Manipulative love Adulterated love Love for power Love for money Love for the sake of lust Love all in the game Love to hate, love to kill Love is what makes the world go round....

Night Prowl

To my surprise I had company On my night prowl.. Metro sexual clique Playing, chatting Leisure walk and Most of all lop sided.. I wondered if they had a crick In the jugular.. Oh it was that wee piece of technology Connecting them to the world.. Amused I looked around To find one playing badminton while on the phone A lady cooking with the phone A teenager with it and the idiot box A man steering the car while talking Aahh how much we love to talk To hear our own voice.. Well what else would you not find In an 'IT colony'?

Baby Falak

I am just a cold star now In the distant horizon, I see my predator Roaming free In the concrete jungle!! Here he prowls with fangs inside her There he claws at her tender breast.. Trees bow in shame as he rapes in the shade Men leer, men gasp, men drool At the crushed blooms. I was just two Baby Falak I am just a cold star now In the distant horizon, I see my predator Roaming free In the concrete jungle!! Here he prowls with fangs inside her There he claws at her tender breast.. Trees bow in shame as he rapes in the shade Men leer, men gasp, men drool At the crushed blooms. I was just two


Evening sun in His macho glory Burning in red haze Wisps of cloud floated In the opposite horizon And she peeped.. So shyly, so daintily Macho sun turned pink Leaves hid and birds skipped aside Lady Moon came out in naked splendour And the powerless sun sank into her bosom...


Inspiration from 'The Speaking Tree' If you need to give 12 oranges to someone you need to possess 12 oranges. Similarly if you have to give respect, you ought to have self-respect. If you have to give love, you need to love yourself . If you give hatred it is because you possess hatred inside you. If you squeeze an orange on any day, any time, with any gadget you will definitely get only orange juice. The same applies to us. Whenever someone squeezes us ,puts pressure on us or is critical about us, out comes what is inside us. The beauty is we can give only what we possess so ahead.. be positive and give away the same!!!!

On ego and habits...

Today during the English period with my 7th std children, I had given a dictation test. A girl student topped the test. Two back benchers ( boys) were shocked that she had outsmarted them. I told them that it was not surprising as she is a voracious reader! Moreover she always made it a point to converse in English at school. It was her good habit that had helped her.. One of the boys( his ego being bruised) commented that he would someday do well and that he just needed more time. This is a common refrain I hear from many! Often our ego tells us we are not ready as we are not yet perfect, is it not! It is a mere excuse on the part of the ego! It is trapping us from making us being more responsible! In fact simple, good habits would enrich our lives. Good habits would also help in tapping our potential!

On boys and girls....

Today I conducted a Picture comprehension activity fr the 11 year olds. The outcome was indeed interesting. i showed them a picture of two white horses, one horse looked a little bigger while the other smaller one had a carrot in its mouth. I gave the children about 15 minutes to construct a story on the given picture. There were 4 girls and 4 boys in the class. Results: Two girls made a story of a male horse marrying a female horse, having children etc. The other two girls created a story on friendship and sharing. Boys version- One gave a gory story of the horses being kidnapped and they murder their attacker and finally escape. Two boys talked on friendship but with fights and violence involved. The fourth boy talked of the small horse disobeying the mother horse and ending up in the wrong peer group and how the small horse lies, gets into fights and his money is stolen etc.. So what is it that you make out of this? Would you agree that if women had been heasds of nations the World ...


Many of our problems are actually 'worried into existence'. Worry is not caused by outward circumstances, but by our reaction to them! A healthy mind will remain poised under all circumstances! I read these lines in the Speaking Tree ,a special supplement of the Times of India. I loved the lines!!

The Seasons...

This morning was unusually foggy in Chennai. I smirked that it was smog!! An Older colleague commented that the sun was white this morning and it signified that hot days are here to come and to stay on for many months to come!! Just yesterday I had a rejuvenating conversation with my son on seasons and humankind. Winter is the ideal time to relax, laze in bed and do nothing. Time to repair your body, mind and soul. Time to think, ruminate and meditate ! Spring - time to spring up to put those thoughts and ideas into action . Time to work, work, work! Summer- time to reach the peak of your project or work on personal and professional front. Autumn- time to stand back and look what has been done. Do the trimmings . Slow down. Winter- time to break/ contemplate.. Ah if we could work in this cycle of motion.... It also reminds me of the beautiful poem ," The Human Seasons" by John Keats- Four Seasons fill the measure of the year; There are four seasons in the mind of man: He has ...

Hey girls don't ....

I read a beautiful piece in The Speaking Tree this morning. It is an article which features the message of Osho. It is on love- simple emotion made so complex by Man. He cites the following. When a boy throws a stone at a girl ( a small one, maybe a paper ball too) he does so because he cant touch the girl( in our Indian society, not that easy!!) but at least he is satisfied that the paper /stone touched her. It is kind of accepted that boys chase girls. And girls keep running away. Osho says, hey girls, run, but stop to turn. Don't keep the chase on till it gets nasty. Often girls do not realize in the chase the boys end up getting so hurt and it leaves a rage that could turn nasty. It is in our hands not to let it go so violent! If you like a person, go ahead and speak your mind. If you do not like say it so as not to be condescending or hurting! Truth doth hurts! Boys ought to accept rejection as manly as they can too. Let us not complicate this beautiful emotion. Let it not be...

I am numb with shock...( on the Teacher's murder in Chennai)

In the land of Ekalavya sacrificing a finger for his guru, it WAS SHOCKING TO HEAR AND READ ABOUT THE GRUESOME 'Guru Hatya' committed by a 15 year old in my city! In Chennai???Reason : his teacher had written remarks about his failure to his parents. So many questions run through my mind. I have been teaching for the last 21 years and I cannot imagine such a heinous ac being committed. I look back into history and mythology.. I am yet to come across a 'guru hatya'. I shudder, I tremble, I shiver!!! My condolences to both the families- to that of the teacher's and the student's !! The parents must be questioning and brooding over the way they have brought up the boy.. The teacher's family is worse affected- 2 girls rendered motherless, a husband left wife-less and parents have lost their daughter What is believed to be a safe profession for women will now take a turn. A boy who used to get Rs.100 a day as pocket money signifies that he is a spoilt brat. A boy...

Little things..

Today as I finished off (rather licked off) the dinner packed by my mother I realized how she took care of the minute details like packing pappads, some extra food for me to pack to work the next day etc. In fact she even sends a fruit to have for dessert so i could just get home, eat and crash! My father always brings home the delicious prasad( temple offering) for me. My colleague brings me the "The Speaking Tree" a special supplement of the Times Of India which I enjoy reading. Such thoughtful acts...At the end of the day these little acts bring a sigh of happiness, a smile and a light heart..

Hey Teachers whither your civic sense??

Yesterday I had been to a prestigious workshop organized by idiscoveri ( XSEED) exclusively for educators/ counselors/ psychologists..Since the fee was not cheap The crowd was the typical well-dressed, ( elegantly ethnic), English ( accented) speaking, and intellectual( sic)!!! The speaker was Professor Howard Gardner, John H.& Elizabeth A. Hobbs Professor of Cognition and Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education ( The Father of MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCE) His talk was indeed enlightening and was conveyed in very simple language interspersed with wit and humour. During the coffee break we were given refreshments and a bottle of water. Next was the Q&A session where the so called uppity educators in heavily phoren accents posed long twisted questions ( obviously we, fellow members could not understand) in complex jargon. The Professor smartly tackled the questions giving tailored answers ( not meant for the questions).When he asked them if he had answered their questions...


Yesterday I had a rendezvous with friends from yester years.. It has become an annual ritual to meet on of the gang member's b'day! I look forward to this event throughout the year. One just got over and I am already waiting for the next one! It so happens we get so busy with our clockwork schedule that we end up meeting just one on this particular friend's birthday. We have been friends since 1983.. Our friendship has waxed and waned yet the thread of sane love held us together. This friend whom I shall call Ra(One!!), whose b'day we celebrated, is the Solid Wall in the gang. He is the protector and defender.He is someone whom you can count on when you are in trouble. He offers practical and sound advice. Very steady and dependable. The next one is like my twin and I shall call him An. Very affectionate..He is a dreamer like me and enjoys books more than I do. Our favorite annual trip to the Book fair bonds us thick. The next One D is warm and lovable.He makes it a po...

Costly Lessons

Lessons are always costly to learn. There is Time/Money/Age related experience involved. Why is it then Teachers- could be School/College teachers/ Parents/ Life- not given their due?????

Thank You Steve Jobs

My son gifted an iPad to my mother. She will be turning 70 in a few days. Her enthusiastic spirit jolted us. For a person who has never worked on a laptop or a computer , she took to the iPad like a fish to water. She is learning how to use it with gusto! Initially it irked me to keep repeating the tutorial. But it made me realize how much my mother has strained to teach me the English alphabet when I was a mere 3 year old. I remember her sitting beside me through my school days, asking me questions, correcting me.... I felt ashamed. It was payback time. So now I enjoy teaching her the nitty gritties! Of course the iPad is so easy to use. It is so heart warming to see my mother do facetime with my son in London. I admire her spirit and drive to achieve. It is even more inspiring to see my son being so awe struck. He had never imagined she would pick it up so fast. Thank You Steve Jobs for making technology so simple enough to strike the hearts across generations. Thank You Steve Jobs ...

Observing mankind..

Recently I visited a popular restaurant on the beach ( Chennai) with some guests. We had gone to enjoy a buffet lunch and some peaceful view of the seaside. As I enjoyed the varied courses I also had enough time to observe the other guests. Braggarts: At this table sat three couples in their thirties with little children running around and climbing over tables. They were talking ( loudly) in typical convent educated accents, bragging about their recent trips abroad, their perfumes, designer shoes , bags etc!!! All the time the children were causing a ruckus and disturbing others. Mr. Arrogant: He strode in, viewed the lounge with a condescending glance and rudely beckoned the waiter. he wanted two tables set in a particular manner in a particular location! He of course did not pay heed to what the waiter was trying to say! he got his way( of course). with the crook of his finger and a loud bellow he summons the rest of his family. A couple of disinterested teenagers, an equally morose...


'It's belief that gets you THERE'

Tsunami tale

Year - 2004 Date-25/12 Day-Xmas Venue-MGM Resorts, ECR, Chennai It was an annual family ritual to pack off for the seaside resort on Xmas eve. That particular year we could no get a cottage on 4th, rather we got the booking on 25th. We set off with joyous abandon, my parents, son and my friend to the renowned MGM resort on the famed East Coast Road(ECR) in Chennai. After a sumptuous Christmas buffet and the familiar carols we headed back to our rooms to settle into a lazy slumber. We looked forward to waking up late and have a leisure breakfast at the restaurant on the beach.. 26/12/2004. 6.30 am My friend shook me awake having felt some tremor. I remarked it could be some heavy vehicle passing by. At the second tremor she sounded slightly worried wondering if it would be an earthquake or if we would be struck by a tidal wave. I laughed off her fears stating that we would never ever experience a tidal wave in Chennai.. it would take place only in Japan. Thus we carried on back and for...


Yet another year has flown by..a new year once again in our hands.. It is time to appreciate what we HAVE rather than what we HAD. As Indians living in India it is rather difficult as we love to harp o our glorious past while turning a blind eye to the present. So this year let us appreciate: 1. the unseen angels who help us tide over small difficulties in life. 2. the little acts of love. 3. unexpected guests. 4. maids, drivers etc who make our lives so comfortable. 5. time to facebook! 6. when friends remember you. 7. of course our FAMILY. 8. being blessed with all the senses to see, feel, touch, hear, taste; walk ,talk, well literally sound mind and sound body!!!