
Showing posts from May, 2012

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 26

The best in me comes out when I rebel !!! i

My rock star..

I did not realize that the spark I had lit would flame up!! This is what happened when my son decided to go ahead with a public performance after learning a mere 5 months of guitar! My stomach churned as we were getting ready for the show!! It was at Gigalum, a pub at Clapham, London. I floated in a cloud of joy ( no alcohol at all!) as I watched my boy going up the stage. And did he perform!!! I doubt if I would have looked at Santana then!! He played for 2 songs, Way back into love from Music and Lyrics; Fix you by Coldplay. It was proud moment. Way to go son!! Why don't you light a spark too?? Do have a look at the video.. It was captured on iPhone and the lighting is bad.. The boy/ young man on the guitar is my son!!

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 25

When in the face of utmost loss you think of my happiness, it is mind blowing love!!!

London observations...

It has been a few warm days here since I have arrived... Since I am not doing the usual touristy rounds I am enjoying being the observer. I am staying in Central London where all the rich Arabs live. Spending money like water- I see them do it!! Since the sun is out- it has been for the last few days in a row, unusually- all the Londoners are out lazing in the sun on any green patch available.. They are gulping in the sun!! Nice to see sandwiches and beer/lemonade, hats and sandals et al. The sun also increases the serotonin intake so all are happier and the couples are even happier! Romance is in the air. Ah, ouch, what do I see... Have you ever had an ugly sore? Sores stick out and they make you grimace! Well that is how I find Indian couples ( born and growing in India) trying to imitate the westerners.. They cant even get a kiss right!! I saw a paunchy man trying to get on top of his wife ( Regent's Park). He was trying to kiss her and she was moving her head away.. God,

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 24

External stress can be better  withstood than internal stress !!!

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 23

Fatigue is not when we are over worked but rather by the lack of meaningful work!!

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 22

The worst deception is self deception!!

Swayam Samvardhana Tip 21

Repression leads to suppression and in turn leads to violence of thought and action!!

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 20

Be aware that there are angels all around!!

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 19

Sleep is a wonder drug!!!

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 18

When one thing goes wrong ,many  will follow- that's Murphy's law!!!

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 17

I asked ,'were you proud when I won the....' You answered,' I am always proud of you..' This is love!!

Blazing Summer

I trudged thro the day Just as the listless Summer fly... Walls stared thro the latent heat Fans ploughed thro the Hot winds The sun blushed And how.... Engulfing the landscape with More warmth Stifled and suffocated I walked An eerie silence From the dry surroundings I walked Taking in the perspiration And humidity I walked... The ironing man Stood braving the hot charcoal I walked The security guards lay slumped In their starchy uniforms I walked.... My heart turned as warm as the Blazing sunset I walked Into the cool confines of my home.

Svayam Samvardhana Tip16

I do something stupid and you shrug it off with a tender look and say it is ok- that is love!!!

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 15

Thank god for summer for monsoon will soon follow!!!

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 14

Miracle is when we wake up!!!

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 13

Fear less to be Fearless!!

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 12

Friendship is a ship bobbing on the waters of mutuality!

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 11

"Be yourself" is the biggest con line!!!

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 10

One minus demolishes all pluses!!

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 9

Low Self- esteem is POISON!!

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 8

Money brings happiness, gold brings joy, diamonds bring ecstasy - for a girl!!!

Svayam Svardhana Tip 7

Self pity corrodes!!

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 6

Watch the moon rise!!!

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 5

Love is when my eyes search for you in the crowd....

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 4

   Love cannot be instant.It has to be brewed with good quality seeds of togetherness, roasted with trust,powdered with loyalty; hot water of trials have to wet it and bring out the decoction of aromatic romance.

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 3

It takes thirty years almost to be truly intimate in a relationship..

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 2

If you do not get the person whom you love, love the person who loves you.

Svayam Samvardhana Tip 1

Am beginning the Svayam Samvardhana series today.. Svayam Samvardhana means SELF DEVELOPMENT. Tip 1: Love the fool but don't fool with love!