Observing mankind..

Recently I visited a popular restaurant on the beach ( Chennai) with some guests. We had gone to enjoy a buffet lunch and some peaceful view of the seaside.

As I enjoyed the varied courses I also had enough time to observe the other guests.

Braggarts: At this table sat three couples in their thirties with little children running around and climbing over tables. They were talking ( loudly) in typical convent educated accents, bragging about their recent trips abroad, their perfumes, designer shoes , bags etc!!! All the time the children were causing a ruckus and disturbing others.

Mr. Arrogant: He strode in, viewed the lounge with a condescending glance and rudely beckoned the waiter. he wanted two tables set in a particular manner in a particular location! He of course did not pay heed to what the waiter was trying to say! he got his way( of course). with the crook of his finger and a loud bellow he summons the rest of his family. A couple of disinterested teenagers, an equally morose wife and another couple followed him to the table. Of course he would not think of going to the buffet table. every item had to reach his table. God forbid if there was a delay!

Honeymoon couple: Ah the joys of honeymooning. The heat, the noise, the flies are all ignored as they sip from the same glass of martini. He nibbles at the food offered by her. She smiles at whatever he is saying..

The South Indian nuclear family: The man is potbellied, wears a cap, dark sunglasses, t-shirt and shorts. He of course sips beer. The wife wears salwar suit, flowers in her hair and sips fruit juice. The little son is demanding something that is not there in the menu. The daughter is munching silently.

Our group: The man sips fruit juice . The women are enjoying chilled beer. The young boy is gorging on tandoori chicken!!!

Buffet over...
