Oct 31st
It's Halloween!! I am staying with a wonderful family at Lincoln. Randy and Paula have a daughter Sara(22) and son, Jonathan(25). Such a warm family and they have such a lovely house. It's a dream house- so beautiful, spacious and with lots of natural light coming in. They have done it up very aesthetically.. Yeprakasia( Armenia) is with me too. We were picked up at 10.30 am. We had a lovely lunch- potato salad, yummy sandwich. We exchanged a lot about our countries and culture.
The fun part was when we cleaned out the pumpkins and began to carve them. It was hilarious!! There were small knives and saws that we worked with.. We placed the pumpkins outside and placed small lamps inside them so they lit up so beautifully lending an orange glow. Meanwhile kds from across the neighbourhood ,dressed up in whacky costumes came to the house asking'trick or treat'. Inevitably candy treats were given away.
Dinner was salad, burger , hot dog, fruits, apple pie with ice cream!!
