Social Rest


I recently read about various types of rest one has to take ( a TEDx  article).  Rest should not be confused with sleep. Rest is important for our restoration. 

Among the various types of rest mentioned is Social rest. This means we have to take effort to surround ourselves with positive and supportive people. I say effort because we get drawn or entrapped within toxicity. Take a look at your own inner circle- spouses, parents, children, friends and neighbours. How many are truly supportive and empathetic? If not they drain us and leave us exhausted. Their toxicity takes up so much brain space and sap our productivity. 

From time to time we need to reflect and utilize every chance to be with those who leave us rejuvenated, contented and happy. Carpe diem!

This is why I am so grateful to have good friends. A luncheon with our collegemate who came down from Dubai turned out to be the much needed Social rest. That feeling of still being in college, ripping each other with jokes and just letting our hair down. Ah! much needed! All of us parted with smiles and laughter.
