JOMO ???


The other day my friend brought to my attention this abbreviation- JOMO. I was clueless. When I learned of it I was thrilled- a new abbreviation added. As I mulled over the meaning I was overjoyed. It sank beautifully into the depth of my soul. 

JOMO-joy of missing out- It aligns with what I believe in strongly. JOMO is the antidote to FOMO      ( fear of missing out). 

JOMO is to be in the present, to be content in the moment. It is a fabulous form of self care. 

At present as I take stock of my JOMO- I just enjoy being at home. I do not miss going out/ partying etc. I am very grateful at this moment. I have stopped comparing ( a huge difference it has made).

A recent case of forgetfulness has made me take stock of matters at hand. I need to de clutter my mind. I need to slow down and focus at one task. I need to be more organised. 

JOMO- I am loving it. 
