Path of Self-discipline

A colleague gave a talk on resolutions and that it is in our hands to maintain them. A beautiful example was cited. The root of a tree is the resolution. The unhealthy branches of excuses spoil the resolution.
This morning as I mused ( doing this for the last 2 months) whether I ought to go for my morning walk, I remembered the talk. I sprang into action. The harsh reality of me panting and carrying my heavier body has brought me  to the present, the now.

Self discipline is often associated with being dispassionate. On the contrary self discipline is self love. It means you are passionate. Passion indicates deep feeling, a feeling of depth. So self discipline is actually self love. When one loves oneself, one will inculcate god habits and self control.
We are emotional beings. Feelings can empower us or enslave us. So it is up to us to nurture and respect our feelings by listening , responding, organizing them, redirecting them and limiting them. This would be healthy self discipline.

Sources: My colleague's talk and The Road Less Travelled by Scott Peck
