How do we take feedback?

How do we take feedback? ( Constructive)
To parents
1. Are we listening to our children especially when they offer their point of view? Often our ego does not permit us. We brush away with statements like, 'Because I say so'/ 'just do it'.

To teachers,
1. Are we willing to listen to suggestions/opinion  or take in feedback from our students? We counter question them with ,' Me? Am I so? You have not understood me' followed by a long lecture.

To colleagues,
1. Are you able to act upon a suggestion or willing to listen/ understand  another person's point of view?  With a curt ( how can we be happy is it not) tone we render an apology throwing words into the air or we make the other person feel worse.

I had a great time today having an open dialogue with my students of Grade 6. I am always amazed at how much they observe; how wonderfully they imitate the adults around them .
It struck me how poorly we take in feedback. I witnessed a dialogue between 2 women in the bus. One is telling the other that she is hurt by the other one's behaviour. Instead of apologizing or feeling empathetic, the other friend kept justifying and rationalizing her behaviour. It reached a point that she even changed seats. I marvelled at how a simple situation turned so complex. We, love to complicate don't we?
The situation was not over as yet. Another known friend intervened and requested the woman to apologize  as they were friends and get over with it. When the bus stopped, she hurriedly threw an unwanted apology into the air and got off in a huff muttering to herself.

We have to practise self kindness till it becomes a habit. Once the habit is formed we will behave kindly to others. When we are harsh to ourselves we become harsh to others. So hoping this new year all of us practise more of self kindness!!
