Listening to the body.... Self care challenge


My battle with drinking water is easing only now. 

I have had several reasons for not drinking water:

1. I hardly sweat.

2. I will 'know' when to drink. ( even after a walk/gym I would hardly drink)

3. I drink other fluids

4. Articles based on confirmation bias.

5. There are 'harmless' herbal medicines- so easy to have...

I had a wakeup call about two years ago. I was getting dependent on the alternate medication. A young friend remarked,'you have very dry feet'. (yes I have always had).

So cumulatively I had known but not taken care to be aware and mindful of this.

Then began my journey of having attractive bottles, tumblers etc all to remind me to drink water.  I did not want to be dependent on any sort of medication. Even herbal or alternative medication will have its side effects built up gradually.

What helped me was when my body so beautifully responded to my water intake.. My metabolism began to work better. I rejoiced. I love my body and myself. I shall work on improving my 'drinking' habit!!
