Voices in the head


A client mentioned he had begun hearing a voice in the head. Sometimes the voice got so loud that he had to run out of the house. Sometimes it was like a good friend. Mostly it was manipulative.

Have you heard voices in your head? It is an auditory hallucination. Interestingly most of us hear voice sometime or the other in our lifetime. for some of us it is the voice of our conscience guiding us. 

for some it may be positive while for some it may be a critical, negative, manipulative voice. 

Some experience during a phase of life; some live with it; for some it is situation related. Auditory hallucination is pretty common

Usually when we hear of someone complaining about hearing voices we immediately wonder if it is schizophrenia or a psychotic disorder. 

Auditory hallucination can occur without any mental condition too. Auditory hallucination is different from intrusive thoughts. we hear thoughts in our own voice usually. 

There are several reasons for auditory hallucinations, mental health being one.

Some reasons are :

personal trauma

lack of sleep

brain injury or disease like meningitis, temporal lobe epilepsy, dementia, tumor etc.

Vitamin deficiency especially with Vitamin D and B12 deficiency

Hence we have to rule out physical, neurological and psychological disorders via examinations. 

It is important to note that if the voices are affecting one's daily life and routine then it is time to seek professional help. 

Coping tips:

Diary or journal writing- of the voices by keeping a log would help

Self care - good sleep nutrition, work life balance, exercise play a vital role

Take up hobbies; practise mindfulness

Remain connected with family/friends 
