Parenting ...Hug your child

Infants are hugged. Toddlers are hugged. But what about teens?  Teens would not like it if you hug them in public. At home they may shrug you off. That does not mean you just stop hugging. There would be moments to give one. Make your hug just right. Don't make it too cloying nor too light. Just the right pressure.
Hold the hug for a few moments. Feel the energy passing through.
Above all hug when your teen least expects it.
Most often we hug only when we are happy with them. What about moments when they have failed to come to our expectations? When they haven't performed to the benchmark that we have set? When they are going through a crush or infatuation? When they have taken a decision on their own? When they have decided to take a break from studies or work?
They still remain our children don't they?

Let your teen knob that he or she always has your support. Always. This is your main role
