Sleep the rejuvenator

A young adult recently commented that he was not getting enough sleep. On inquiring I found, without surprise, that he smokes after dinner, watches TV or is on the net till midnight or past.

Good habits are needed for a good sleep. I have found that having a routine is wonderful. My routine works from Monday to Friday. I have not been able to extend my routine to the weekends because I do not want to.

Indulging in habits and routine that is interfering with our bodies and life is entirely up to us. We push ourselves to the the doors of the hospital and then shock ourselves into changing habits. Often it is too late...

What sleep does to us:

Rejuvenates all organs
Builds up immunity system
Improves Concentration and memory
Improves decision making skills
Strengthens Will Power.

All of us know yet...

In the hall of silence
Waves of serenity engulf me
I am cradled in the land of nod
I float into waves of dreamless sleep
So nourishing and rejuvenating...
And life flows back in high tide
Enchanting and beautiful.
