Change is essential

The other day I read about a famous actor changing his long held belief. He confessed turning from atheism to gandhism. There was a frenzy among his fans and in the media. I admired him for the same fact though. He is past his prime and at this age he has taken such a turn. he has welcomed change.

It is absolutely normal to change one’s values, viewpoints, beliefs as we go through life. As per psychologists, the values that are dear to us while we are students change when we enter corporate life. For example let us take honesty. While in school we are drilled on being honest and circumstances do make it easier to be honest. Once we enter the adult world, white lies, black lies, small lies and big lies become part of our social interactions.

I went through phases of isms like atheism, communism, pluralism , agnosticism and I think I still do!!!
Those who say that they will not change are the most foolish and the most dangerous.. Such foolishness leads to narrow-mindedness , honour killings, caste conflicts, religious wars, gender discrimination etc etc.

It is an age old wisdom that Change is the only Constant in life.. So adopt change and flow with life.
