
I read a beautiful article on the same topic by a popular behavioural consultant in my city.
Being patient in some occasions, in some situations, in some places alone is not good enough. Patience is to be worn like a cloak through and through. Let us be aware of our behaviour all the time.
How do we behave while waiting at the traffic signal?
How do we behave while boarding or exiting the aircraft?
How do we behave while waiting at the cash counter in a supermarket?
How do we behave while standing in line for the school assembly?

Lining up in queue is just not in our Indian culture. Might is right still persists especially when we travel in the northern parts of the country.

The only decent queue I have seen during my travels is in Kerala where men of all classes stand demurely and oh so patiently- to buy alcohol!

So can we wear patience like a cloak? Through and through?
