Marital rape?

I am just shocked that our Parliamentarians have pushed aside the issue of marital rape under the carpet!!! They cite that it would go against Indian culture and the sacred institution of marriage !!

Almost every woman goes through at least one instance of marital rape- rape is when one partner is not a willing partner. Somehow marriage in our country is a license to sex. There are cases of men who exert their conjugal rights on days when women are menstruating too.

In all income groups marital rapes occur. Why is it that men cannot accept the fact that we own our bodies and that we have the right to say NO! There are many women who have said that they lie like dead wood in bed. The man does not treat them with due respect. Sex is just not intercourse. There is a pre and post stage which are totally ignored by most men.

If a woman undergoes regular torture should she not have the backing of the law to protect her? It is sad and barbaric that we still live in times like this!
