Quiet quitting..ambition..personality..

 Within  months of reading several articles raving about quiet quitting, I read a recent one with amusement. A journalist  had interviewed a recruiter going by the pseudonym Justin. Justin cut back his working hours and and could be practically called the 'father' of quiet quitting concept. 

6 months later the journalist caught up with him and found out that Justin has now taken a different stance. He is putting in 50 hours a week. The reasons were several- job market coo ling off, recession etc. 

I was reminded of a conversation I had with my son. I use articles (confirmation bias) and research surveys to my advantage when suited. My son pointed out the flimsiness of my arguments.

Theories and research surveys will come and go. We ought to know what would suit us, our personality, our value system and our needs. This applies to our personal and professional front. 

The concept of quiet quitting has always been there. It has the fancy label now. As a Professional, loyalty, commitment and dedication are universal ethics to be inculcated. I have witnessed students being harmed or hurt when teachers have embraced quiet quitting. 

Cal Newport's  blog is a good read on different personality types and how different people are wired for different ambition types. 
