In the flow

Today my colleague and I were having a discussion on art and poetry. Suddenly it struck us that we are able to indulge in art and poetry when we are either feeling low or very happy. Mediocre state of mind brings out nothing.
Well is it not the same in any sphere?

Great artists, singers experience several such moments in their daily life. Typically the best work comes out then. This is because when we are melancholic or very happy we are totally absorbed in the mood and it helps us to get into a flow- a flow of poetry, art, music etc.

As Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, the eminent psychologist, has described such a state as 'flow'. This is a state when we are totally submerged/absorbed in an activity.

How wonderful is our mind, our life! During such heightened moods we create!
Mediocre life, mediocre output. Let us enjoy the highs and lows. Let us also enjoy the mediocre in between for the balance.
