After a long hiatus...

I often hear people complaining about the present generation. I have begun interacting with children belonging to Grades 6,7 and 8.
To my lovely surprise I find them so vocal and so smart. Technology is not new to them. They are not afraid to voice their views. They have the 'accept me as I am, this is ME' attitude. I love this about them. They are so confident.

I immediately recalled my school days where questioning was discouraged. I was deemed the rebel when I questioned or was vocal. I was named as the 'talkative' girl. It was a 'bad' name and I would get punished at home and school.

When I became a teacher I encouraged questioning and I loved the talkative ones!

I am so happy that the day has come where teachers have to pause to listen to the student. No longer do the students have to 'fear' the teacher.
And the teacher who listens earns the respect.
