Eat Mindfully


Since I have started or rather re-started my exercise regime, I have been mindful of my eating.

In the process I have learnt that -

1. It is easier to eat slow-

I normally wolf down my breakfast. I am always in a tearing hurry to finish my meal and head out. I have tried earlier to reverse this habit. When we are mindful of what goes into us, we eat slower. Eating slowly is excellent for watching the calories and for our system.

2. We are careful of what we eat.

Needless to say we become automatically careful of what we eat. This helps us to cut down on junk food. I greedily eyed a laddu the other day but ate just half of it! Today I managed to avoid eating the sweet!

3. We relish the food and feel fuller.

We relish every morsel. we experience the taste. we take in the fragrance. we appreciate the texture. By now we feel 80% full. This is when we can STOP eating. By now our brain registers the feeling as FULL.

4. it gives you ‘your space, your time to think, ruminate’

Voila,my meal times are mine. I have time to think/ruminate. I plan my day. I am in my sweet world. I come out of it feeling happier and relaxed!!!

Are these reasons enough for you to slow down during your meal time?
