Musings at the end of 2020

Towards the end of year it is always a slice of amazement on how quickly the year has gone by. The New year 2021 is already just around the corner. 

I hear myself saying that being homebound suits me. I am loving it.

The lockdown days were more an adventure- crisis management- stocking things; using stuff in a minimalist manner with the thought- what if we run out and we aren't able to get it.

Even now I step out to the usual grocery places only when needed.

I was excited that I did not have to dust the furniture ad shelves as there was hardly any dust gathering due to the lack of vehicle movement. How clean and green my neighbourhood was!

I decluttered as if there is no tomorrow. Phew I didn't realise I had hoarded so much ( and this after having a ritual of springleaning twice or thrice a year)

 I learned to 'let go'- materials, mementos, gifts and nostalgia.

I have taken up reading more- books, actual books and not just kindle.

I enjoyed dabbling on various online platforms. I marvel at how we can cut across national and international boundaries to have a discussion or to conduct a webinar by just being at home. 

Having been a working woman it was easy to leave the upkeep of the house to either mom or the domestic help. Ah! I didn't realise that it was such a mammoth task. I also realised that some chores are irritating while some were destressors. Overall it wasn't exactly stimulating.

I have turned to basic baking, having bought a new OTG. And I'm loving it as of now. I realised that I had never used an electric oven in the past. I used to do some baking when I lived in Assam. we had this huge cast iron gas stove running on natural gas. It was equipped with an oven to bake too. So I am using an electric oven for the first time!

From October, my presence on social media has reduced considerably as I removed the apps from the phone. Accessing them from the laptop makes it one step difficult for me. My habit of picking up the phone way too many times- is yet to be reduced.

As the weather gets pleasant and the days shorter, my outdoor walks had reduced; I Have to plan to step out an hour earlier; be back home when it is turning dark. As it turns dark, I have to be on the main road- traffic is heavier and it is not fun to walk. I have to avoid those dark lonely streets. Ah so exhausting!

I sold my manual car for an automatic one. And I am beholden by the technology. 

I love the tea time hang outs with mom, have our chitchats, arguments and gossip. 

Overall I am grateful for everything; grateful to life and relationships. 

Cheers to 2021
