It is my sincere hope that no one misses this short film. I am glad I have always kept notifications off.  AI is upon us, practically, interwoven in our lives. I had always wondered about the polarisation happening in India; whatsapp groups breaking up long term friendship and causing heartaches.; conspiracy theories where people have denied the existence of COVID 19; some even believing that the earth is flat!

We have been played; we will continue to be played by the tech giants. Can we please not just blame our kids and each other for the being addicted to the screen. We are  mere puppets on a chain.

I uninstalled Facebook from my phone. I uninstalled all unnecessary apps too. Yes I do have my whatsapp but I am also going to be wary of the news that trickles in.

I enjoyed the rain today whilst keeping my phone far away from me. I do not know how long it would be before I install FB on my phone. 
