'Types' at a workplace

While organising events at our workplace (corporate or academic), there are several 'types' who emerge:
1. Ostrich type: I see nothing hence avoid me.
2. Rodent type: I shall gnaw and gnaw ( read gossip) and crap everywhere.
3. Beaver type: I work and work and work silently and underground
4. Elephant type: I will trumpet and boast whenever I can and I trample if I don't like it. I have a strong memory for revenge
5. Peacock type: I enjoy walking in at the right moment and throw my weight around. I screech and stutter to make myself seen and heard.
6. Cuckoo type: I love to steal the thunder from the actual worker.
7. Cat type: I shall not pitch in even if I am talented or can do. I love my comfort zone too much to leave it.
8. Dog type: I will be loyal and faithful and I am willing to be trained.
9. Owl type: I look, I see, I know. I will wait for disaster to strike and then pour in the wisdom ( comes too late)
10. Ant type: I am visible at work. I am willing to take up any size of work and will execute. I may sting when necessary but I bring in the sugar too.
