I want to give the best to my child,,,,,,

A couple of days ago a parent of a 10 year old came seeking admission. I had a small interaction with the mother. Being very enthusiastic about her ward and about her entering a new school she had many queries. Obviously one query centred around on how to prepare her ward for the new academic year. She was wondering if she should enrol her ward for personality development classes, karate, dance, cookery or tuitions during summer. In one breath she said she wanted to give her child the very best.
That struck me. I suggested that she just spend time with her ward -laze together, relax together, gaze at stars and have simple fun. She was wonderstruck and meekly replied that she would do so as she hadn't spent enough time last year. Then she bubbled with joy as she kept affirming to herself, ' yes I am going to spend time with my child'. Such simple joys, such simple solutions.

