Homosexuality and today's judgement

It is indeed a sad day today. I am deeply pained.The Judiciary has let us down. So my nation is still in the throes of the Victorian era..

This is a sign that we are a developing nation. We are yet to open up. We are a 'judging' nation!

Homosexuality is NOT A CRIME. IT IS NOT A DISEASE (as proclaimed by a famous yoga guru and he claims he can cure it!) Why cannot we accept people as they are?

Wake up Indians. Wake up. ACCEPTING people as they are requires immense MATURITY. So once again we prove we are an immature nation.

Allow every Indian irrespective of caste, creed, gender, religion to live and breathe freely.

Each of them is someone's child. What if one of them is yours? Would you want your child to be termed a criminal just because his orientation is different from the so called norms of the society?
