Phone pick ups; tech and Apple contribution to behaviour

 I am entering into my second month of deleting apps from my phone. I am surprisingly not missing them or feeling left out.Interestingly when I visit the social media apps on the laptop I spend less than five minutes! Somehow the layout / ease of use of the app on the laptop also does not appeal. 

A couple of days ago when my iphone got updated it began giving messages about the number of times I pick up the phone and also for what purpose. Wow. technology and the company is actually helping me to understand my habit better. I realised I have to cut down on the number of unnecessary times I have begun picking up the phone! I was merely looking at the phone ,swiping from whatsapp to google news unnecessarily. It had become a habit after deleting social media apps. I had substituted a behaviour. So now my phone has warned me about it. I am amazed. 

Today I kept a book next to me. Each time I picked up the phone to swipe, I would pause, place it back and pick up the book. I will work on reducing the number of times of phone pick ups. In fact my friend texted me asking me why I was incommunicado! Success- I thought. Good feedback to my new behaviour. 
