
Showing posts from December, 2018

Patriarchal? Really ? Ha ha

Some three decades ago I used to read and watch movies where the wife would be subservient to the autocratic husband and further be dependent on the son. None of the stories and movies had a happy ending. Well I am writing from my personal memory and as a reader you are free to challenge, discuss, debate, agree or disagree. This morning as friend ( Male ) And me were chatting we observed the changes in family values. With amusement we noted how women ( our mothers) actually dominated their men ( in their own subtle/ direct manner and more so heavily post retirement of the menfolk). What amused us more was the fact that in a nation of ‘son’ lovers, given the choice parents prefer to stay in the daughters house than their sons. ( again pls note that we are from the south of India).  The kitchen domain when belonging to the daughter is easier to manoeuver than that of a daughter in law!!! We laughed over the fact that we may be a Patriarchal society but in our hearts and for all pr...

En route to normalcy and habit breaking.

As mentioned in my previous blog post that my leg was in cast for two weeks and I now found it difficult to walk normally ! Yes it took mere two weeks to make my leg forget to walk! This is the third week and I am still limping. Partly because I am afraid. Afraid to just bear the pain. Yes it does pain here and there when I try to walk. So in two weeks one can decide to change. Third week it is painful. Somewhere it hurts. Somewhere there is a discomfort. Yet if we plough on slowly and carefully we ought to bring in change. As I write this I am almost able to walk with my usual gait but not at my usual  speed. I know I will get there.