Patriarchal? Really ? Ha ha
Some three decades ago I used to read and watch movies where the wife would be subservient to the autocratic husband and further be dependent on the son. None of the stories and movies had a happy ending. Well I am writing from my personal memory and as a reader you are free to challenge, discuss, debate, agree or disagree. This morning as friend ( Male ) And me were chatting we observed the changes in family values. With amusement we noted how women ( our mothers) actually dominated their men ( in their own subtle/ direct manner and more so heavily post retirement of the menfolk). What amused us more was the fact that in a nation of ‘son’ lovers, given the choice parents prefer to stay in the daughters house than their sons. ( again pls note that we are from the south of India). The kitchen domain when belonging to the daughter is easier to manoeuver than that of a daughter in law!!! We laughed over the fact that we may be a Patriarchal society but in our hearts and for all pr...