22 'men' and a child

The news hit me in my solar plexus as if a boxer had. Anger raged and then sadness engulfed.
I went about my daily routine in a haze. I went to the gym. Songs were blaring. Today in my heightened senses I actually listened to the lyrics of a very popularly loved song from the movie Alaipayuthe. The song is yaarodi, ....unnode purushan, un thimiruku arasan. If loosely translated it means dear girl who is the guy who will be your husband, who will be the king to your stubbornness rather who will dominate/rule/subjugate you dear stubborn girl. A dam broke within me. I left hurriedly and burst out into tears in the safe haven of my vehicle. A song sung by a female for a female teasing about a man subjugating, dominating, about a girl who cannot be assertive- because being assertive is equalled to being stubborn and aggressive in my culture! So look at the body language of women in my country- shoulders never brazened out, chin down, eyes down, cover with stole or a bag while in public. The list goes on.
Today I cried for the female kin, for that little girl just 11 years in this world who has been traumatised for 7 months.
The mother (homemaker)never thought of getting out of her high rise flat to welcome her child from school  Nor was she worried if she did not come up on time 'assuming' that she was playing! Amidst all this where is the father?
Does this mean there was no communication between the couple and in turn with the child? Was she neglected because she has special needs?
A child who has been drugged regularly and abused has escaped the eyes of its primary caregivers? This is to be noted seriously. Parental neglect has to be made culpable.
Among the 22 not one had a conscience. To think that they led 'normal lives' in their homes, walked among us, all this while.....
Indeed a black day.
