Can we give our children a safe haven...

As a teacher and Counsellor I have had many students come up to me to share their feelings and thoughts.
As parents the only thing we can and should offer is a safe home- emotionally safe ( I am not getting into personal/physical safety).
A home where children feel emotionally secure, a home where they WANT to go back to....This is the simplest but most difficult to accomplish.
Are we being 'open' to our children?
Are we ready to 'accept' them as separate entities?
Are we giving them love with 'no strings attached'?
Are we just 'listening' to them?
Are we even 'seeing' them?
Are we 'caring' ?

Children don't need your gifts. They need You.

In several instance when homes aren't such safe havens, the next place is the school. Are schools i.e teachers equipped to bring about an atmosphere of happiness, caring, acceptance and love?
Can we make our schools at least  a safe haven? 
