Parenting: parents who compromise on integrity...

We always think of politicians as corrupt and dishonest. Just as movies reflect the society or vice versa,  it is the same with our government and us.
How can the minister be so corrupt? How can the CEO of a popular paper be so dishonets? These questions flood us.

The truth is dishonesty runs across all of us irrespective of gender, religion, caste and social rank.

I have seen them all- helicopter parents, fussy parents, permissive, authoritarian, authoritative but the ones who baffled me the most were the ones who were ready to compromise on integrity for the sake of their wards and themselves.

There was this unassuming, middle class man who had come to drop off his son for the entrance exam. He looked desperate. His son had failed in the first attempt. The beauty of the architecture entrance exam is that one can attempt the exam any number of times. I tried telling this to the father. I tried to tell him that there are almost 50 colleges offering the course.There was nothing to worry.
All he kept repeating was that he didn't want his son to fail and if we could'somehow' make him pass!!!

What kind of value was he setting? What kind of architect /citizen would his son become??
Let us clean ourselves before we point fingers!
