At a social gathering...

I was debating with gusto
On the travails of an average Indian
The lack of quality and progress..
I mourned the passing away of Jobs
He, then asked why did I mourn..
Am I using any of the 'i' gadgets?
My answer in the negative surprised him
He wondered then why was I mourning!!
 What do I answer..
My ex student and I keep debating..
Is China better/ India?
West better or India.
Will caste system ever go?
She intrudes and nonchalantly claims
There is no caste system nowadays...
I was numb with shock...
I am wondering , questioning..
Am I interpreting India wrong?/
Is there no caste based problems.. no female infanticide
India is progressing.. everyone says..
But when will we become a 'first class 'nation?
Gosh the debate goes on..
Time for food, dessert, glitz and glamour
Outside the darkness engulfs all..
