Bangalore weekend...

A few of us met at Bangalore for the weekend. One of the topics of discussion was marriage( eternal topic when the group consists of single and married people ).
The usual quips came in. As always the institution of marriage is trampled, derided and mocked. I am reminded of the Bard 's, 'to be or not to be! '
Interestingly one married friend ( the only one so far ) had positive statements. He said he believed in the sanctity of marriage so he would never speak negatively.
What struck me was the strength he possessed. He did not want to be part of the crowd.
So I wondered if people especially men merely passed comments on marriage to be part of the crowd.  Or was it that they did not believe in it. Or is it they feared to be a stand alone?


rohan.rajiv18 said…
Nice one. :)

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