Standing Desk

I shifted house and had begun to lounge around to work with my laptop. But in lieu of my previous post Vitamin Sunshine I jumped into crafting my standing desk once again. I pulled out the small wooden laptop table ( home made) on which I have placed the external key pad ( very economical). I placed the laptop on a small coffee table ( very economical). So now I am back to standing/ shifting on both legs to work.. Yes I do sit if I have to work longer.
My time on social sites has reduced ! I am happy I am burning calories ( standing/ shifting on legs helps burn calories faster than sitting)
It liberates me.. I am not tied down to a chair. I can take breaks faster and with more ease!! I realized how lazy I used to get when I was ‘sitting’.
I am also aware I need to take care of varicose veins etc. Fortunately being on the wrong side of 40s my body does not hesitate to whine.. I then do pamper myself.. It is worth it..